
Friday, July 31, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

workshop 5: creating the illusion of the other mother

1.physical-soft/round edges
                -looks like a real mum
                -normal height
costume-basic-no patterns
                       -baggy loose clothing
                       -mostly covers her body
colour and lighting-warm articial light,dull
                              colour pallete-orange

2.physical- sharper edges-head/nose/apron

costume-patterns on outfit
loose/baggy gives idea of softness

colour/lighting- warm articial, yellow/red

physical-paler skin
                 -weight shift to hips/bum-accents beetle
                 -pointy nose,back of head,ellbows, skinnier
                 -patterns. bolka dots,black,white,red. fits her figure better
                 -bettle shell like layers.
                 -shows more skin.
colour/lighting-bright ,birant,cold,articial,browns/peach

4. physical
    -stick figure,lost alot of fat
    -taller,long neck
    -hair,back of head,arms,ellbows,back of dress

             -shows more skin
             -a lot tigher
             -beetle shape on the back and colour


5.physical-ugly,spider like,needles,no fat,no skin
                -lots of sharp -head joints

costume-tattered rags,bearly alive

colour/lighting-green black,cold light,unatural,

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

workshop 4: how does music enhance the story?


diegetic sound-sounds added to a scene e.g music
non-diegetic sound-sounds that happen naturally in a scene e.g footsteps,wind blowing leaves.
chords-major-written a major key,has not happy lifted tone.
          -minor-written in a minor key,has a sad,gloomy,morose tone

tempo-      fast-could walk quickly to,make music feed energetic,gives mocement/pace
speed         moderate-
                  slow-dragging feet pace,makes music feel lethargic,boring,energy lacking,sleepy

dynamics   loud(farte)-gets veiwers attention,enhances emotions/mood- makes happier 
                  quite(piano)-either backround noise or used to make the veiwer focus
changing- quite-loud-builds intensity
                 loud-quite-draws focus.
it makes a nice calm sound and makes you sleep
sounds dramatic and a slow beat.

chords: minor-has a sad vibe,feels creepy,unsettling.

tempo: moderate-feel on edge,walking pace,gives energy

dynamics: changing-starts quiet,gets louder,grabs our attention,builds emotion & intensity.

mouse circus:
 chords-minor- is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable.
 tempo fast-give us upbeat,want to move energy,makes the circus feel fun & lively
  dynamics- loud-makes veiwer feel hyped up,energetic,invited to join in.

Friday, July 3, 2020

SEXXXY paragraphs

In this shot it is called a long shot. For example this can be used to show the whole shot instead of jst a little part. this shows the "other mother" making dinner in the kitchen. the directors purpose was to show the whole kitchen and the "other mother" dishing up dinner for Coraline and the "other father". this worked well with the setting because it looks more homey. this aspect can be compared to the kitchen in the real world where it looks a home no one lives in.

This shot used colour and lighting effectively. for instance this shows a artificial cold light coming from the wallpaper in Coralines room in the other world. this shows me that its girly and coraline likes pink. the director did this to bribe Coraline to live in the other world. this worked well with the colours and Coralines favourite colour. this aspect can be compared to the shot of Coralines room in the real world where it looks dull and boring.