last lesson we learnt that the process of evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. so we can separate a solution, by evaporating away the solvent to leave a solute (solid).
but what if we want to collect gas?? when we trap gas and turn it back into liquid this is called condensation.
what is?
-evaporation: heating a liquid, turns to a gas.
-condensation: cooling down a gas, turn into a liquid
separating a mixture using distillation
aim: to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillattion.
equipment: a solution saltwater,conical flask,heatproof mat,a delivery tube and bung, bunsen burner,tripod,gauze mat,retort stand,boss head and clamp,boiling tube
method: 1.set up the equipment as shown in the diagram
2.add approximatley 50 ml of saltwater to conical flask.
3.light your bunsen burner, open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod.
4.heat the solution until most the solvent has been evaportated. turn off your bunsen burner.
observation: when watching the coke in the conical flask boiling and bubbles you can see less of the coke, and in the other tube there is a non-colour liquid.
coke zero: had less dissolved substances
coke: lots of dissolved sugar that was left in the end