
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

juggling and tabletennis

today i learnt how to play volleyball with a juggling ball, how to serve and how annoying abraham is. he also kept throwing his ball on my table which was rlly rude.
i also learnt how to serve with ping pong ball and i thought it was rlly hard playing with the wall bhaahaha

learn to juggle
play ping pong
learn how to serve

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


what am i learning:
define the language of film using visual and sound techniques

how does this work show my learning:
identify types of camera shots and angles

what am i wondering as a result of this learning:
when we are going to watch the film

Friday, May 22, 2020

cupcakes at home

during the lockdown i made vanilla cupcakes with my stepmum for my little sisters birthday.
they tasted good but they were abit burnt at the bottom cause i forgot about them for like 5 minutes.

150g softended butter
1 1/2 caster butter
2 eggs
2tsp of vanilla essence
2 1/2 self raising flour
1 1/4 medow fresh milk

method: put over on 190 c force fan,beat the butter with an electirc mixer until smooth,add suger beat until fluffy. add eggs mix it well add self raising flour and medow fresh milk and vanilla beat until smooth, place paper baking paper in a cupcake tin. spoon in mixture until they are atleast half way full. bake until 20minutes is up

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

physical education

-i could sleep more
-wake up whenever i want(except the days i have a morning class call thingy)
-watch heaps of netflix
-eat alot of junk food hahahha
-not waking up at 7 like on school days
-catch up on my netflix shows
-could do calls with people from school on instagram aha

-had online school
-the teachers gave us more work then they actually give us at school
-i had to clean my room alot
-take my dog for a walk
-maccas,subway,pizza hut was closed

what have u been doing regrading fitness:
-take my dog on a walk
-playing basketball with my older brother and lose alot ahhahha
-chased my dog around the house when he kept taking my shoes