
Monday, December 7, 2020

EOTC reflection

what was the best part in your opinion? why did you enjoy it?

My favourite part of the EOTC days out was going to jellie park. I enjoyed it because everyone was happy & having fun. And it was also my favourite part because everyone was getting along & going down the waterslide together, even when me & 7 other people went down and got told off at the end of the water slide.

was there something that challenged you?

yessssssssss. The a. forest was most challenging since im scared of heights, but it was also really fun because everyone was making me laugh, even when i didnt want to laugh.

if we were doing the EOTC days again, what other activity would you like to try?

I think i would like to goto the beach, because when when we went to spencer park we didnt get togo to waikuku beach. 

tell us 1-2 things you learned from one of the locations we visited?
1. not todo high ropes again
2. not let miss taylor take photos again

Monday, November 23, 2020


 last lesson we learnt that the process of evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. so we can separate a solution, by evaporating away the solvent to leave a solute (solid).

but what if we want to collect gas?? when we trap gas and turn it back into liquid this is called condensation.

what is?

-evaporation: heating a liquid, turns to a gas.

-condensation: cooling down a gas, turn into a liquid 

separating a mixture using distillation 

 aim: to separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillattion.

equipment: a solution saltwater,conical flask,heatproof mat,a delivery tube and bung, bunsen burner,tripod,gauze mat,retort stand,boss head and clamp,boiling tube

method: 1.set up the equipment as shown in the diagram

               2.add approximatley 50 ml of saltwater to conical flask.

               3.light your bunsen burner, open the air hole and gently push the bunsen burner under the tripod.

               4.heat the solution until most the solvent has been evaportated. turn off your bunsen burner.

observation: when watching the coke in the conical flask boiling and bubbles you can see less of the coke, and in the other tube there is a non-colour liquid. 


coke zero: had less dissolved substances 

coke: lots of dissolved sugar that was left in the end

Monday, November 9, 2020

Serial Dilution

 aim: do a serial dilution 


1.plave the 6 test tubes in a text tube racl. label the rack with numbers 1-6

2.using the measuring cylinder, fill text tube 1 with 10 ml of water. fill the remaining test tubes with 5 ml of water

3. using tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1

4. gently shake the test tube until the crystal has dissolved

5. using the transfer pipette,carefully remove exactly 5 ml from the test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2

6.  rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains.

7. gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5ml of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3

8. rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tube 4, 5 and 6

steak sandwich

 steak sandwich







first we got everything ready and started cooking the steak, when the steak was ready you butter and put whatever you want on your bread then add your cooked steak. then it was done because it didn't take long.

sight: i guess it looked alright 

smell: smelt like steak

tasted: like a steak sandwich

Rate: 8/10

What i would do differently to improve my score for the food: make more steak because it tasted like mayo more then actual steak

how did the team work together: good considering we had jayden in our group

Monday, November 2, 2020

filtration experiment

aim: to separate a solution from a precipitate (precipitate is the name for a solid that forms in liquid during a chemical reaction)


1.pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.
2.add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. a reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. called copper carbonate. demo then fold filter paper inside of it, into the mouth a conical flask. the funnel with the filter paper inside of it,into the mouth of a conical flask.
5.stir the mixture in the beaker,then carefully pour it into the funnel.
6.observe what happend.

observations and discussion: it was blue liquid, then it went into a funnel with filter paper. and went all clumpy(blue solid) and then in the beaker under the funnel it was a clear liquid(the clear liquid is called filltrate) 

why the blue solid seperated from the liquid:
because it had large particles in it and the filter paper wouldnt let it through

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Monday, September 7, 2020

Mac n Cheese

 mac n cheese

first we did our mise en place using the ingrediants:







sensory evaluation:

smell- couldnt really smell it

sight- it looked good

taste- it tasted good but we shouldve left it in the oven longer

what i could do differently:

finished it earliar and leave it in the oven longer

how did your team work together? it was good because we made a 4 when maia came into our cooking class

potato frittata

2. ingredients:
vegetables of your choice
salt and pepper

3. sensory evaluation
sight- it looked like scrambled eggs
smell- smelled like eggs hahhahahaha
taste- it was good i geuss

4. 6/10

5. not making it cause it was like scrambled eggs 

6. it was alright i guess cause we all had a part todo in it

my phone was flat so i didnt get a picture

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

HomeEc Pita Pockets

-pita pockets

-make pita pockets.
opinion-it was good but i didnt really like it cause my pita pocket broke and i had to try make it fit in my mouth
how to improve: try not to break my pita pocket and the lettuce shredded more.

inside out-nutrition and digestion

In science we were testing different types of food for simple,complex,carbohydrates,protein.

-place 2 ml of (bread,milk,egg,apple,patato,sugar) in a test tube
-add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix
-add the food

milk-non complex
sugar-non complex
egg-non complex
apple-non complex

my hypothesis was correct! how we found out is it was positive or negitive was because

- brown

my results showed the 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

workshop 5: creating the illusion of the other mother

1.physical-soft/round edges
                -looks like a real mum
                -normal height
costume-basic-no patterns
                       -baggy loose clothing
                       -mostly covers her body
colour and lighting-warm articial light,dull
                              colour pallete-orange

2.physical- sharper edges-head/nose/apron

costume-patterns on outfit
loose/baggy gives idea of softness

colour/lighting- warm articial, yellow/red

physical-paler skin
                 -weight shift to hips/bum-accents beetle
                 -pointy nose,back of head,ellbows, skinnier
                 -patterns. bolka dots,black,white,red. fits her figure better
                 -bettle shell like layers.
                 -shows more skin.
colour/lighting-bright ,birant,cold,articial,browns/peach

4. physical
    -stick figure,lost alot of fat
    -taller,long neck
    -hair,back of head,arms,ellbows,back of dress

             -shows more skin
             -a lot tigher
             -beetle shape on the back and colour


5.physical-ugly,spider like,needles,no fat,no skin
                -lots of sharp -head joints

costume-tattered rags,bearly alive

colour/lighting-green black,cold light,unatural,

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

workshop 4: how does music enhance the story?


diegetic sound-sounds added to a scene e.g music
non-diegetic sound-sounds that happen naturally in a scene e.g footsteps,wind blowing leaves.
chords-major-written a major key,has not happy lifted tone.
          -minor-written in a minor key,has a sad,gloomy,morose tone

tempo-      fast-could walk quickly to,make music feed energetic,gives mocement/pace
speed         moderate-
                  slow-dragging feet pace,makes music feel lethargic,boring,energy lacking,sleepy

dynamics   loud(farte)-gets veiwers attention,enhances emotions/mood- makes happier 
                  quite(piano)-either backround noise or used to make the veiwer focus
changing- quite-loud-builds intensity
                 loud-quite-draws focus.
it makes a nice calm sound and makes you sleep
sounds dramatic and a slow beat.

chords: minor-has a sad vibe,feels creepy,unsettling.

tempo: moderate-feel on edge,walking pace,gives energy

dynamics: changing-starts quiet,gets louder,grabs our attention,builds emotion & intensity.

mouse circus:
 chords-minor- is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable.
 tempo fast-give us upbeat,want to move energy,makes the circus feel fun & lively
  dynamics- loud-makes veiwer feel hyped up,energetic,invited to join in.

Friday, July 3, 2020

SEXXXY paragraphs

In this shot it is called a long shot. For example this can be used to show the whole shot instead of jst a little part. this shows the "other mother" making dinner in the kitchen. the directors purpose was to show the whole kitchen and the "other mother" dishing up dinner for Coraline and the "other father". this worked well with the setting because it looks more homey. this aspect can be compared to the kitchen in the real world where it looks a home no one lives in.

This shot used colour and lighting effectively. for instance this shows a artificial cold light coming from the wallpaper in Coralines room in the other world. this shows me that its girly and coraline likes pink. the director did this to bribe Coraline to live in the other world. this worked well with the colours and Coralines favourite colour. this aspect can be compared to the shot of Coralines room in the real world where it looks dull and boring.


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

workshop 3- lighting,colour

atmosphere-feel in a space,energy around you.
mood-how you feel.
location-place something is happening

natural-lighting that comes from nature-sun,moon,stars,lighting,fire
articial-man made light source-electircity,light bulbs
warm light-yellow/orange tone
cold light-blue/white tone-clean/clinical
bright-fills in the space
dull-fills part of space-faded.
colour-colour palette-what are the predominant colours used.
warm colours-welcoming,happy,friendly
cold colours-makes us feel sad,lonely,chilly-clean and clinical

what is happening-coraline and her family having breakfast in the real kitchen
-look rushed,tired
describe-lighitng-natural light-clouds through window
cold-white tone
bright-white space bright
cold-makes space feel tired
effect on viewer-boring,dull,sad
understand-they are not a happy family
-coraline unhappy

directors purpose-make other world more appealing
-coraling doesnt like the real world.

other techniques-
-camera angles and shots

setting-outside the window you can see its cloudy and grey
-furniture looks old and run down
-doesnt feel lived in-empty

brainstorm 2

what is happening- coraline and other parents eating dinner in the other kitchen. everyone seems happy

describe lighting-artificle -cealing light
warm-yello/orange tone
dull-some spaces are dark.
 effect on the veiwer-compact/close,interesting,welcoming,safe
coraline is happy tobe there

directors purpose-shows theme looks can be deceiving because other family looks kind and happy but actually evil.
other tecniques
costume-formal fasionable,fit better,makes,them look tidier
-bright blakc,red,white

Friday, June 26, 2020

cheese puffs.

2 c flour
6 t baking powder
4c cheese grated(use mild and tasty cheese if available)
2 eggs
1 c milk
cheyenne pepper-pinch

1.sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl
2.add grated cheese and mix lightly with a fork
3.put eggs into a small bowl and whisk
4.add milk and whisk again
5.combine wet and dry ingretiants. do not over mix
6.put even sized spoonfuls of mixture onto the baking paper onto 2 oven trays bake at 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes
8.check puffs are lightly golden and well risen
measure all ingrediants accuratly
as a variation diced cooked bacon,finely diced onion and parsley can be added
remeber-you may need to add a little more milk
do not over mix - it is best to use rubber scraper to carefully combine wet and dry ingrediants together.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Pig heart dissection

yesterday in biology we did a pig heart disection and learned about the purposes and reasons of all the veins and how each part works. 
atriums-entry ways where blood enters each side of the heart from the veins
arteries-keeps blood away from the heart
veins-take blood back to the heart
ventricles-v shaped cavities which pushes the blood into arteries to take away from the heart
muscled walls-strong to help squeeze and push the blood around the body
septum-seperates left and right side of the heart
heart strings-strong fibres that hold the valves in place
valves-one way gates. let blood only move in one direction.

it was yuck but funny to play with and when ibrahim cried about it, but i geuss it was fine and good to learn about. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

workshop 2: linking themes of the angles,movement and shots.

whats happening in this shot?
-"other wybie" standing on the stairs outside the house. other mother asks him to smile from doorway, instead he frowns.
"other wybie" making self smaller-less of a target-head down,shoulders hunched. looks weak and vulnerable.

pov-other mother,makes her seem stronger,bigger, more dominant.
high angle-makes wybie look over powered, weak and vulnerable
wiewer-makes viewer feel sorry for/scared for "other whybie"

why did the director do this?
-foreshadowing-hinting at what is to come.
-hinting that maybe the "other mother" isnt so wonderful
-other techniques spotlight on whybie-like hes on the spot/under focus- dark around creates creepy atmosphere 

in the scene with the "other mother" and the "other whybie" we see high angle shots used to show the theme 'looks can be deicieving'. we see this when the "other mother" asks the "other whybie" to smile but he hunches over and frowns instead. this makes the audience feel sorry for the "other whybie" because he looks scared. the use of a high angle shot from the perspective of the "other mother" adds to this feeling as it makes the "other whybie" look weak and vulnerable. the director did this to foreshadow the change of the "other mother" from creepy to more creepy. coinciding with this is the use of lighting. a spotlight is on the "other whybie" emphasising that he is under the focus of the "other mother". this reminds of earlier in the film where a low angle was used to make whybie seem big and scary but really he was just ordinary.  this links the scene because it also shows a momemt when the look of a character was decieving.

what is happening in this scene?

Friday, June 19, 2020

mini pastry savouries

1. using pastry cutters, cut circles to fit patty pans. chill in the fridge. 
2.mix; 1 egg,pinch salt,1T milk
3.wisk together with a fork
4.transfer egg mixture to a measuring cup. some thawed peas and corn in each pastry case.
6.carefully pour egg mixture into each case. DONT SPILL ANY!
7. bake at 200*c for 8-10 minutes and eat

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

arthritis research

what are the causes of arthritis:
most causes of arthritis are thought tobe caused by a fault in the immune system that causes the body to attack its own tissues in the joints.

can everyone get arthritis?whos most likely to get arthritis?
not everyone can get the condition.
woman are most likely to develop arthritis.

what are two most common types of arthritis?
rheumatoid arthritis

what are ways to prevent arthritis?
eat fish
control your weight
avoid injury
protect your joints
see your doctor

how is it treated?
occupational or physical therapy, exercise, drugs, and sometimes surgery to correct joint damage. 

workshop 1

theme & ideas- continious idea/subject that thinks throughout the text.

"looks can be deceiving"
-dont judge a book by its cover
-dont judge by the apparence

 example  1:
-when coraline first meets wybie- when we first meet him he seems scary(mask,motorbikes,use of high angle,loud music) but in reality hes just a weird neighbour.

-shows theme because like other characters our first impressions based on apparence,tone,visual techniques arent always correct.

-important because helps audience understand with Coraline that just because something looks good doesnt mean it is, she could choose the real world over the other world.

example 2:
charater of the 'other mother'- because she seems normal/friendly at the start but by the end of becomes a soul devourering spider demon.
-shows theme because 'Other mother" isnt what she appears tobe at the start so we should judge by first impressions.
-important because coraline realises that having something that looks perfect isnt always a good thing.

-in coraline, the theme 'looks can be deceiving' is used effectively to engage the audience.
-for instance, the character of the character 'Other mother' shows us that looks can be deceiving because she starts off as a kind mother figure but gradually changes into a soul devouring demon.

-this makes us understand that we shouldnt judge a character based on first impressions as they can often be wrong.

-this is done to help coraline decide between the real world and the other world. is the 'Other mother' was really perfect coraline wouldnt choose to go home.

xplanation(another technipue(shots/angles,music,setting,lighting/colour)
-combines with this is the use of colour and lighting. the 'Othe rmother' first appears in a vibrently bright room that makes us feel warm and safe. however,by the end it has become dark and green which makes the veiwer feel scared and shows that her first look was deceiving.

your link-this can be juxtaposed of the character of wybie who we think at first is evil but is actually kind prooving looks can be decieving.

Friday, June 12, 2020


1 c plain flour
1 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1 egg
1/4 c sugar
3/4 c milk

1. sift the flour,baking powder and salt into a bowl.
2. in another bowl best the egg and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick.
3. add egg mixture and milk into dry ingrediants and mic until combined
4. gently heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add or brush with the little multed butter
, drop tablespoonfuls of the mixture from the point of the spoon onto the surface
5.when bubbles start to burst on the top of the pikelets,turn them over and cook the second side until golden
6. place on cooling rack
7.serve with sweet and savoury topping.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

the pin palance


  • Creepy

  • Slow

  • Minor tone-warning that something bad is going to happen

  • Lullaby

  • Child like

  • Made up language- so people cant understand and not translate it

Camera shots

  • High angle for the other mother-her point of u

  • Extreme close up- detailed


  • Green colour

  • Dark-adds creepy

  • Looks old

  • See shadows

  • Cold light

The pin palance


  • Gentle

  • Dramatic

  • Enchanting

  • happier/sweet

  • Bit more happier

  • Change

  • More dramatic

  • Faster timbre

  • High tension

  • Minor tone

Camera shots

  • Looking at money

  • Over the shoulder

  • Point of you

  • High angle

  • Long shot

  • Birds eye

  • Dutch tilt

  • Transition tilt

Lighting and colour:
  • Dark

  • Grey

  • Cold

  • Dull

  • Dreary

  • boring


  • Mean

  • Sassy

  • Explora

  • Child like

  • Imaginative

  • Moody

  • Yellow raincoat

  • Blue hair

  • Stands out


  • Dark

  • Cold

  • Old

  • Boring

  • Empty

  • Untidy

  • rustic

Real parents

  • Neglectful

  • Workaholics

  • Busy

  • Forgetful

  • Old

  • Bland

  • Look tired

  • Unhealthy

  • Depressed

Dutch tilt-something bad is about to happen


  • Creepy

  • Minor key

  • A warning

  • Slow-medium timbre

  • Like a music box


  • Bright

  • Vibrant

  • Warm

  • Welcoming

  • Full of things

  • Looked after

Other parents 

  • Healthy 

  • Energetic

  • Dad with the piano

  • Mum cooked

cup stacking

for the last 4 weeks we have been doing cup stacking.
we tried the 3 by 3 and 2 by 6
i was horrible at both, i kept trying but it got so fustrating and annoying since everyone knew how todo it but me cause i kept hitting them over, and everytime i tried to restard it jst keeps falling over, over n over again. so eventually i just gave up.
it was good ig.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


5 plot points
-when she went to her second mums house
-when she saved the kids
-when she saved her parents
-when she finally got a normal life
-when she threw the key down the well
5 characters
-mr bobinsky
-mel jones

filipino history

Friday, June 5, 2020

chocolate chip cookies

100g butter
1/2 cup chelsea white sugar
1/2 cup chelsea soft brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/2 cups of flour
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 cups chocolate chip

melt butter, and add both sugars and cream these together. beat in the eggs and vanilla then mix in dry ingrediants. roll into medium sized calls, making sure the mixture is not too wet! put on a well greased baking tray. they shouldnt spread to much so flatten slightly. bake at 180degrees for 8-10 minutes.
you can easily half this recipe. or roll half into a log, wrap in cling film and freeze. but into 15 pieces while still frozen and bake.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

juggling and tabletennis

today i learnt how to play volleyball with a juggling ball, how to serve and how annoying abraham is. he also kept throwing his ball on my table which was rlly rude.
i also learnt how to serve with ping pong ball and i thought it was rlly hard playing with the wall bhaahaha

learn to juggle
play ping pong
learn how to serve

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


what am i learning:
define the language of film using visual and sound techniques

how does this work show my learning:
identify types of camera shots and angles

what am i wondering as a result of this learning:
when we are going to watch the film

Friday, May 22, 2020

cupcakes at home

during the lockdown i made vanilla cupcakes with my stepmum for my little sisters birthday.
they tasted good but they were abit burnt at the bottom cause i forgot about them for like 5 minutes.

150g softended butter
1 1/2 caster butter
2 eggs
2tsp of vanilla essence
2 1/2 self raising flour
1 1/4 medow fresh milk

method: put over on 190 c force fan,beat the butter with an electirc mixer until smooth,add suger beat until fluffy. add eggs mix it well add self raising flour and medow fresh milk and vanilla beat until smooth, place paper baking paper in a cupcake tin. spoon in mixture until they are atleast half way full. bake until 20minutes is up

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

physical education

-i could sleep more
-wake up whenever i want(except the days i have a morning class call thingy)
-watch heaps of netflix
-eat alot of junk food hahahha
-not waking up at 7 like on school days
-catch up on my netflix shows
-could do calls with people from school on instagram aha

-had online school
-the teachers gave us more work then they actually give us at school
-i had to clean my room alot
-take my dog for a walk
-maccas,subway,pizza hut was closed

what have u been doing regrading fitness:
-take my dog on a walk
-playing basketball with my older brother and lose alot ahhahha
-chased my dog around the house when he kept taking my shoes

Friday, March 13, 2020

ginger gems.

150 g butter
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp ground ginger
tsp ground cinnamon
2tbsp golden syrup
1 egg
2cups standard flower
1/2 tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1/2 cup milk

yesterday at tech we made ginger gems. the texture was alright because be accidentally put the oven on 220 degrees. they tasted really good and wasnt spicy at all.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

NZ goverment compare and contrast paragraph

in power to the people hurumanu,we learnt about the maori authority system and the british settler goverment system.   this compare and contrast paragraph is about those two systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in newzealand there were 2 types of goverments. one was the maori authority system and the other british settler goverment system.    the maori authority system was,poeple were responsible to their whanau. there were no courts,judges,police or prison. where as the britsh settler goverment system is when law was orginised to control sysioety there were set punishments. this matters because a bit of conflict happend cause they were different


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

sound experiment

aim: to test my hearing.
hypothises : that  my hearing will be really bad
1. listen to the sound test
2.record what my hearing level is.
findings:my hearing was no way and u must be kidding me.

Thursday, February 20, 2020


For health we are learning  the well being of hauora.
In my blog today I'm going to be saying what hauora means and so you can understand what we are learning.

where tapa is about the 4 dimensions of hauora, taha whanau is social wellbeing, taha wairua is the spiritual well being,taha tinanana is physical well being and taha hinengaro is emotional well being. whare tapa is all about your wellbeing, each wall is all about wellbeing if you don't have any of the wellbeing the wall of whare tapa wha will fall down

wellbeing (kindness)

Spiritual is your mental and emotional well being


Sounds like:
-someone who really cares about you
-someone giving u advice
-someone making sure your okay
-someone who really wants to know how u feel and how they could try make it better
-makes you feel better about yourself

Looks like:
-people really care
-people asking if your alright
-people wanting to know that there is people who care about them

feels like:
-makes you feel good because you feel warm inside
-makes you feel happy
-Sometimes makes you feel awkward
-makes you feel good about yourself
-makes you feel good about yourself
-felling nice inside

Random act of kindness:
-Opening the door for them
-Buying them something
-Giving them a compliment
-Helping them when they need it


-Nek week Monday

-Take her outside and feed her

whys its important to show kindness:
-because it makes the other feel happy and feel good about them self
-it makes yourself happy for making someone else feel happy